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The media outright lies about video games

Australia's Channel 9 broadcasted a TV show where an "expert" says, and I quote:
"There's unequivocal research about the impact of these sorts of games. There's over a hundred and thirty evidence-based pieces of research to tell us that violent games like this increase aggressiveness, increase angry thoughts, increase aggressive behavior. So we can either choose to dismiss this sort of research, or take it on board as parents and say, this is what the scientific community is telling us. [...] There's over a hundred and sixteen research reports telling us that it affects the structure and performance of the brain as well."
This is a complete lie.

Those numbers may be based on actual papers, sure, but they aren't research papers, they are not scientific studies. They are opinion pieces written by some researchers. They are papers presenting hypotheses, not papers presenting the result of an actual scientific study performed on actual test subjects. They are papers that, essentially, are saying "I think that video games could have this kind of effect in the brain because of these reasons". They are not papers saying "we measured the effects of video games in 30 thousand people, and these are the results."

On the contrary, there actually are at least three relatively large-scale actual scientific studies using actual people (the smallest of them using 90 people, the largest using 3000) which actually show the exact opposite, ie. that there is no correlation between playing video games and real-life violence or attitudes. There are no such studies showing a correlation.

What these alarmist "experts" are doing is taking the personal opinion pieces, hypotheses, published in some journals, that some researchers have written, and claiming that they are "evidence-based pieces of research", as if they were actual scientific studies using real people, rather than just the personal opinion of the writer.
