If you have been following the modern far-leftism / anti-leftism sociopolitical war "only" for the last 7-8 years, you might have not even heard of one Phil "Thunderf00t" Mason nor know who he is or what he was known for. In the early days of YouTube antifeminism/anti-leftism, from about 2011 to about 2016, give or take, he was one of the big names on that front, alongside other big names like The Amazing Atheist (another name that more recent anti-leftists probably have never heard of), Sargon of Akkad, etc. In fact, Thunderf00t was such a big name in the anti-leftist community that he became pretty much the Public Enemy #1 of the far left, especially in the atheist community, for some years, so much so that for a time he was under a massive harassment campaign (which ultimately was pitifully weak because of his tenured position as a researcher in a university in the Czech Republic, which made him essentially untouchable.) Yet, today he is mostly unknown in these ...