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The strengths and dangers of mandatory primary education

Mandatory primary education for all children is a relatively recent phenomenon in the world overall, and even in the modern western countries. In some countries it dates a couple of hundreds of years back, but on average it's primarily a phenomenon of the 20th century.

The length of compulsory primary education has also increased over the decades. For example in Finland it used to be just 4 years, for quite a long time. (All further education was optional, and often with relatively strict requirements.) It was later increased to 9 years. (Surprisingly recently, in fact. In the 1970's.)

One of the greatest benefits of compulsory primary education is the increase in the overall capability, productivity and quality of live of the entire population. When pretty much every single person can read, they are significantly better adapted to living and succeeding in modern society, where literacy is pretty much a vital necessity.

Indeed, the almost explosive development of western countries to become the richest and most prosperous and technologically advanced countries in the world can easily be traced to the decision of creating a primary educational system, mandatory for every citizen. Without compulsory primary education it's very likely that the world would today not be as technologically advanced as it is, and the amount of poverty and deplorable living conditions would be significantly higher.

There is, however, a hidden danger in something that's legally mandatory for every child, regardless of what the parents want, and where the government decides what the children are taught and how they are educated.

And this danger is becoming more and more imminent by the day in many, many western countries.

The mandatory primary education system assumes and rests on said system being neutral, academic and apolitical, teaching essential skills and knowledge. But what happens when the government gets invaded by totalitarian zealots set on indoctrinating all children to become political activists?

Suddenly, what was a marvelous system of education that has produced incredible technological and social advances, as been taken over and converted into an indoctrination and training camp that brainwashes children into becoming political activists and zealots.

The scary thing is that in most western countries you cannot stop your children from attending such schools. After all, the primary education is compulsory. Mandated by law. If you refuse to send your children to school to be indoctrinated, the police will be knocking on your door. If you still refuse, they will eventually take your children away, to be forcefully sent to the indoctrination camps.

You will have no recourse. There's nothing you can do to stop it. You'll be put in jail and your children will be taken from you. The legal system will have been turned against you.

If you are very lucky, there might be some private schools, or other form of alternative primary schools, which have not been invaded by the totalitarian zealots, where you can send your children instead. At your own expense. But don't expect that to last very long. The zealots will not just stand by watching these schools not indoctrinating children into the ideology. They will invade and assimilate, or destroy the schools and force them to close.

This is not just fear-mongering and fantasizing. Exactly this very thing is happening more and more frequently in western countries. Country after country, and school after school, is being infiltrated and taken over by the totalitarian zealots, who are converting the schools into indoctrination and training camps.

And there's nothing you can do about it.
