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What is a "limousine liberal"?

Some critics of the modern regressive leftist social justice ideology have started using the moniker "limousine liberal" to describe a certain class of people.

A "limousine liberal" is a very wealthy member of the upper or upper-middle class that essentially swims in money and luxuries, who loudly espouses and talks about social justice ideological subjects, while either having zero self awareness, being extremely contradictory, or doing very little to help whatever cause he or she (most often a she) is promoting. Indeed, one of the key features of limousine liberals is utter hypocrisy.

A limousine liberal may be, for example, an extremely rich and successful multi-millionaire black person (such as a world-renowned actor or athlete) who constantly complains about how oppressed black people are in the country. With literally zero awareness of the fact that he himself is a living counter-example. "Woe is me! Look how oppressed I am, in my multi-million-dollar mansion in the richest part of the country!"

Or likewise a filthy rich and successful woman complaining about glass ceilings and how oppressed women are, and how women can't succeed because of male dominance... again without even a hint of realization that she herself is a glaring counter-example.

In recent years limousine liberals very typically parrot the anti-capitalism narrative of the regressive left... with zero awareness that their own wealth, riches, mansions, yachts and limousines are 100% the product of capitalism in action. They also seem to be completely unaware of the fact that if the anti-capitalist policies they are so loudly promoting were ever to get in power and run the country, they themselves would be stripped of all their wealth and they would literally lose everything they have.

These people also heavily promote immigration and especially taking in "refugees", and how the country has to take loads and loads of them... but quite typically they themselves are unwilling to put a single dime into actually paying for the expenses, or offering any housing and accommodation out of their own money or property. (There are countless examples of top-one-percenters loudly claiming that they will take in refugees into their homes... and then not doing so. When called out on it, they just dodge and stay mostly silent about it.)

In recent months there have been several examples of such liberals promoting the ongoing riots... up until the point that the rioters target their own stores or homes, at which point they are absolutely shocked that they have been targeted! They are on the right side of history! How come these heroes and freedom fighters are destroying their precious property?

It's almost like they have got so used to being rich and owning a lot of property that they don't realize that they can actually lose it.
