To feminists rape is essentially the worst possible crime in existence. They also have the strong notion that our culture does not take it seriously enough, and that there even is a "rape culture" that dismisses rape accusations and disbelieves victims. They promote stricter and stricter laws against rape (and are likewise promoting pretty much the reversal of our most fundamental judiciary system, ie. considering the accused innocent by default until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.)
Thus, one would think that feminists would be extremely furious when someone makes a false rape claim. Such false claims only fuel the (alleged) rape culture and only gives weapons to critics, and they erode the believability of actual victims of rape. False rape claims are a huge disservice to their goal of making rape a more seriously taken crime. False rape claims unjustly hurt other people (the accused directly, and all actual victims of rape indirectly), and it erodes everything that feminists are working towards. Making a false rape claim is an absolutely hideous and horrendous thing to do.
Do the majority of feminists, especially the most rabid ones, thus vehemently oppose and condemn false rape claims whenever they happen? Of course not. That would be the rational thing to do. Of course they can't do that.
Instead, their attitudes follow a weird and twisted version of the archetypal stages of grief:
First there is, naturally, denial: It can't be a false claim! If a woman says she was raped, then she was. No buts, maybes or couldbe's. The accusation is the proof! Listen and believe! If the police is doubting the rape claim, that's just because of rape culture.
If the evidence is too strong to be denied, the next stage is bargaining: Ok, maybe she was not raped by that guy, but she most probably was raped by somebody. No woman would make up such a story. No woman would lie. She was just so distressed and depressed that she got confused. Something certainly happened to her.
If the evidence is too strong against even that, then the next stage is making excuses: Ok, maybe she was not raped after all, but that doesn't matter! We should still take her seriously! Not taking her seriously would erode the believability of all victims of rape. It doesn't matter if this one wasn't actually raped. She may just as well have been! She is a victim in this situation!
After this the narrative becomes really weird, where a woman who falsely accuses somebody of rape is actually a "victim". A victim of what? Who knows. Something. It doesn't really matter. The important thing is that she's a victim. Welcome to feminist bizarro land.
You think I'm exaggerating or making this stuff up? I wish I were.
Thus, one would think that feminists would be extremely furious when someone makes a false rape claim. Such false claims only fuel the (alleged) rape culture and only gives weapons to critics, and they erode the believability of actual victims of rape. False rape claims are a huge disservice to their goal of making rape a more seriously taken crime. False rape claims unjustly hurt other people (the accused directly, and all actual victims of rape indirectly), and it erodes everything that feminists are working towards. Making a false rape claim is an absolutely hideous and horrendous thing to do.
Do the majority of feminists, especially the most rabid ones, thus vehemently oppose and condemn false rape claims whenever they happen? Of course not. That would be the rational thing to do. Of course they can't do that.
Instead, their attitudes follow a weird and twisted version of the archetypal stages of grief:
First there is, naturally, denial: It can't be a false claim! If a woman says she was raped, then she was. No buts, maybes or couldbe's. The accusation is the proof! Listen and believe! If the police is doubting the rape claim, that's just because of rape culture.
If the evidence is too strong to be denied, the next stage is bargaining: Ok, maybe she was not raped by that guy, but she most probably was raped by somebody. No woman would make up such a story. No woman would lie. She was just so distressed and depressed that she got confused. Something certainly happened to her.
If the evidence is too strong against even that, then the next stage is making excuses: Ok, maybe she was not raped after all, but that doesn't matter! We should still take her seriously! Not taking her seriously would erode the believability of all victims of rape. It doesn't matter if this one wasn't actually raped. She may just as well have been! She is a victim in this situation!
After this the narrative becomes really weird, where a woman who falsely accuses somebody of rape is actually a "victim". A victim of what? Who knows. Something. It doesn't really matter. The important thing is that she's a victim. Welcome to feminist bizarro land.
You think I'm exaggerating or making this stuff up? I wish I were.
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